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7 Day Contemplative Walking

  • 14 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This free course is designed to introduce the practice of contemplative walking. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise available to humans on a physical level, AND offers a great tool for developing introspective and somatic awareness. Why “develop introspective and somatic awareness”? It has a host of physiological and psychological benefits, including: increasing physical and mental well-being and resilience, building a felt-sense of connection and belonging with others, and the capacity to see more beauty in the natural world. This course will provide some technique and philosophy to be applied on a 15-20 minute walk and can take place indoors or outdoors. This can be done with other people, pets, or solo. Each day offers some questions to contemplate and journal, and gives access to a community forum to share and read about other participants thoughts and feelings about the practices.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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Contemplative Walking

Contemplative Walking

Private 1 Member


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